Aug 292004

About 6 days ago, while having anal sex with my girlfriend, I had an odd thing happen: it felt like I hit something sharp inside her ass. It was not a painful feeling, just sharp, so we continued and had no other problems. Two days after this incident, I noticed a red mark on the head of my penis, in the exact spot where I’d felt that sharp sensation. The mark doesn’t hurt, the area has not been any more sensitive than usual, and I don’t feel odd otherwise. As the days passed, the mark seemed to be healing, however now I realize that it looks like it is leaving a scar. Have you ever heard of anything like this happening before? What could I have hit inside her that could have scarred my penis? I am uncircumcised, so I have a fairly sensitive penis, but this is definitely not a lube allergy, it’s more like a cut. What do you think it is and what should I do?

–Cut Cock

What you describe is pretty perplexing for several reasons. First, the only “things” that should be in someone’s rectum are bacteria, possibly fecal matter, and anything your girlfriend stuck in her own ass. Let’s rule out bacteria. Let’s assume that there was nothing else in her ass but you. Did she play with a toy recently that somehow broke into pieces in her ass? Since you did not mention it, I will assume the answer is no.

We are left with the concept that you ran into some fecal matter in her rectum, and that fecal matter contained something sharp. That scenario first makes me wonder, was your girlfriend in any pain? Because if there was something truly sharp in her fecal matter, she would have to have swallowed it, meaning it passed through her intestines, which would cause great discomfort before it even made it as far as her rectum. It seems to be she would not have been in the mood to get fucked in the ass if that was the case.

Let’s say she felt fine. The next clue you gave is that you have a sensitive cock. You may have encountered something harmless, like an undigested seed from something she ate, and the feeling it produced was magnified because of your sensitivity. But, even in the case of a seed, which could feel sharp to an engorged cock, it shouldn’t do any permanent damage. The scrape that you described (that is beginning to scar) is mysterious. If by now it has indeed scarred, then I suggest you have it checked out by a doctor.

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