Thanks to Vanessa & Frank for tipping me off to this news story from
The brainchild of two recent Colorado State University grads, Benevidz is an online webcam community where people can practice the old Internet pasttime of performing sex acts on webcam in order to raise money for charity. The site functions akin to other webcam porn enterprises: people pay money for access to a livestream of a man or woman stripping, and can cough up more money to get them to perform specific acts. Only with Benevidz, a portion of that money goes to the charity of your choice (Benevidz says they already have 7 “reputable charity organizations” who have agreed to participate).
Read full article here.
If you want to make this project happen, they’re currently raising money here, so you can help them out and soon link your webcam porn pleasure with your social justice causes!
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