Reviews: Expert Guide to Female Orgasms
“There is a perfect mixture of education and hot sex in Tristan Taormino’s Expert Guide to Female Orgasms. For guys even if you think you know everything about a girl getting off, you don’t know everything. If you are a girl who has toe-curling orgasms, you can still learn more.” —IW Adult
“More than once I noticed that, besides some angling of bodies for the best shot, this could be any couple in any bedroom having the exact same sex. It isn’t about looking good for the camera, it isn’t about being flawlessly pretty or caked with makeup and barely-there clothing with super-high heels, it’s about the communication and connection, and that’s what makes it hot.” —Girl Seeks Vivacious
“The straight forward education kicks off the release, with Tristan offering insight on female anatomy, sexual pleasure, and the dynamics of female orgasm. But worry not: this isn’t some dry, boring take on orgasms—though Tristan does make good use of anatomy diagrams (and a vulva puppet!), her lecture is heavily peppered with shots of the performers demonstrating her techniques, as well as clips of the performers talking about their own experiences with female orgasm.” —Lux Alptraum, Fleshbot
“As director Tristan Taormino notes at the beginning of her latest sex ed video, “Orgasms feel great, and they can also reduce stress, relieve headaches, increase your chance of conceiving, and bring you to a higher level of consciousness. They can be pretty powerful.” The five scenes which follow certainly demonstrate that concept, and Taormino’s commentary before and after each scene puts the lessons of the scene in context, as do the porn stars explaining what orgasms feel like to them—and from what we’ve seen and heard of sex in the outside (non-porn) world, they’re lessons that a lot of people should pay attention to.” —Mark Kernes, AVN
“I’ve flipped through my fair share of how-to sex guides, but Tristan’s style of instruction through narration alongside scenes from couples actually getting off is engaging in a way that no book could ever be.” —Feministing
“Is Taormino’s porn so good that I, professionally soaked in pornos, can’t even make it through the first scene without melting? Not to offend St Ives’ and Michaels’ sexing (because it was h.o.t.), but it wasn’t the penetration or the moans that did it. Turns out, I’m just a porn nerd. Taormino’s inclusive, educational tidbits and the performers’ honest soundbites were foreplay to someone who loves learning almost as much as she loves sex. St. Ives’ and Michaels’ genuine interview and sex scene driven by a communicative, playful lovin’ I wish on all sex partners actually made me giggle as much as it made me… you know.” —The Valley Advocate
“Tristan’s real talent is showing how hot sex can be without the boner-killing aggression and misogyny present in so much porn. It is possible to show slapping, spitting, and running the fuck and still be appealing to female viewers and therein lies Tristan’s gift. Because of its focus on female pleasure and orgasm, this DVD would be great for couples looking for porn to watch together. Highly recommended.” —How To Have Sex in Texas
“The interviews with some of the male performers featured in the film are as enlightening as the women’s comments, and Evan Stone gets it right when he says, “The best way to make a woman come is to ask her what she likes.” That quote ends up as the central organizing principle for the scenes to follow, in which interviews with each woman and couple are followed by extended sex scenes in which each woman’s chosen partner responds directly to her comments.” —The Examiner
“Tristan Taormino’s Expert Guide to Female Orgasms is a film I highly recommend you purchase and own. Not only do you learn a lot about what makes a woman orgasm in terms of arousal, anatomy and needs, but it also has super, smoking hot sex and one of the greatest casts I’ve seen put together in a long time. There are great extras on the DVD and I feel this is a film you’ll go back and watch time and time again.” —Isabel, Diary of an Undercover Kinkster
“For anyone who is new to Tristan Taormino & Vivid-Ed‘s Expert Guide series, this is a great place to start. I’d previously seen the Guides to Cunnilingus, Anal Sex, and the G-Spot, and Female Orgasms was an extensive review of all that information and more. Watching this DVD feels like having Tristan step into your bedroom and show you exactly what’s going on with you and/or your partner’s body. She covers anatomy without sounding like a textbook, and shares insight on the body’s orgasmic process while still emphasizing how different each orgasm can be.” —Charlie Spats, Good Queer Porn
“…If you’re not keen on mainstream porn because it looks like the performers just aren’t into each other and you prefer to see sex with all the giggly bits left in, then this DVD is probably for you. If you want to learn a few tips and tricks for the bedroom, who better than an award-winning sex educator and a handful of porn stars to help you out?” —Lori Smith, BitchBuzz
“There is so much to love in all 5 of the scenes on the disc. The wonderful advice and descriptions regarding female orgasm from both the women and their partners. Female porn stars with pubic hair. Safer sex practices in several of the scenes. The variety of toys used and the ways they were used are great fodder for my own future explorations. Possibly the best part of all was that all the couples had amazing chemistry and the way they interacted with one another was absolutely beautiful, even when they were fucking.” —Jen, BlushBBP
“I applaud anyone who can provide sex education and make it sexy as well. And that’s just what Tristan Taormino does with her newest dvd, Expert Guide to Female Orgasms. Compiling a great cast of erotic female actors she mixes a wealth of knowledge with flashes of these women having energetic orgasms.” —Lucy Lemonade
“In short, The Expert Guide To Female Orgasms is fabulous. If you want to see porn that gives priority to female pleasure, respects its performers and delivers some seriously slide-off-your-seat sex, this film delivers in spades.” —Ms. Naughty, Porn for Women Blog
“This is a seriously good production. And you know what? Even as the owner of a vagina, I learnt something from this DVD. I learnt that I plateau easily and then have to work harder to reach climax. But once I’m there, I can reach multiple peaks. Even Dave learnt something. We talk more about what works and what doesn’t and we have tried a few changes to technique. And it has spiced things up a little.” —Mrs, Dave, Us Reviewing Things
“Overall, I am very happy with this DVD in terms of its educational information and the sheer pleasure of watching it. Even if you’re familiar with most of what Tristan covers, it’s always good to get another point of view on the information and the demonstrations make it fun to watch in its own right.” —Julian Arancia