Jul 042016

Join me at Woodhull’s Sexual Freedom Summit for my Sex Educator Boot Camps Level2 and 3 as pre-cons on August 4. Online Registration ends on July 31 at 11:59 pm ET. If you are attending Woodhull’s Sexual Freedom Summit, you get special pricing and must register through the Woodhull site. If you are *not* attending the Summit, please register via Eventbrite hereTickets WILL be available at the door for both levels.

August 4, 9:00 am-12:30 pm
Sex Educator Boot Camp Level 2: Intermediate at Woodhull’s Sexual Freedom Summit
Have you begun your journey as a sex educator and are ready to get serious, streamline your business, and get paid for what you love doing? In this intermediate course, Tristan Taormino, one of the most well-known educators in the field, shares her experience, skills, and insight to help you create a vibrant, fulfilling career in sex education. You’ll learn how to: hone your mission and unique point of view; make your work accessible to diverse audiences and communities; develop and create business, branding, and marketing plans; use web-based tools and social media to connect with media professionals, other sex educators, and potential clients, employers and fans; garner media coverage in order to raise your public profile; embrace the value of your work and develop pricing structures and rates. Plus, you’ll have an opportunity to ask Tristan questions about your specific issues and concerns in an intimate environment. This course is ideal for people who have: worked as a professional sex educator or in the sex education field for at least a year; and/or completed Sex Educator Boot Camp 1: Basic.

August 4, 2:00-6:00 pm
Sex Educator Boot Camp Level 3: Advanced at Woodhulls Sexual Freedom Summit
with special presentation by 
Trina Scott, Cindy Lee Alves, and Aida Manduley
Are you a sex educator ready to take your career and business to the next level? World-renowned sex educator Tristan Taormino reveals her proven techniques for success. You’ll learn how to: write promotional materials and create media buzz about your work; build strategic partnerships and coalitions with individuals, organizations, and companies that boost your reach, credibility, and visibility; shape your public identity and boost your credibility; leverage a local/regional presence into a national one; transform a part-time job into a full time career; monetize your expertise and experience; clarify your goals and prioritize your work accordingly; stop doing work that doesn’t have a clear path toward supporting yourself; integrate your values and politics with your business practices; explore what personal blocks may be holding you back; expand your offerings, grow your business, and make your career sustainable. There will be real talk about money, community politics, and burnout. You’ll have the chance to network, brainstorm, and collaborate with other attendees in smaller breakout groups. Plus, you’ll get sample pitch letters for colleges, media, sponsors, potential employers, and more. In addition, there will be a special presentation on advancing racial justice in sex education by Trina Scott, Cindy Lee Alves, and Aida Manduley of Women of Color Sexual Health Network (WOCSHN). This course is ideal for people who have worked in sex education for at least three years and/or have completed Sex Educator Boot Camp 1: Basic and 2: Intermediate.

Information for Both Boot Camps:

Location: Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, 5000 Seminary Road, Alexandria, VA  22311
Admission: Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Boot Camp tickets will be available at the door if space permits, but the prices go up. We are dedicated to racial, economic, and social justice: there are volunteer positions, scholarships, and sliding scale spots, with priority given to educators who represent and work with underserved communities. To get more information or a scholarship application, please email tristan [at] puckerup.com. Scholarship applications are accepted on a rolling basis through July 5, 2016. If you want to register for the Summit by the Early Bird deadline, your scholarship application must be received no later than March 15, 2016.
Registration: Note: Online Registration ends on July 31 at 11:59 pm ET. If you are attending Woodhull’s Sexual Freedom Summit, you get special pricing and must register through the Woodhull site. If you are *not* attending the Summit, please register via Eventbrite hereTickets WILL be available at the door for both levels.

Dec 262015

On New Year’s Day, we’re doing a rebroadcast of one of Tristan’s favorite episodes. In this special edition of the show, recorded at CatalystCon West 2015, sex educators Cindy Lee Alves, Anaín Bjorkquist, and Aida Manduley talk about their work with the Women of Color Sexual Health Network (WOCSHN). We talk about respectability politics, advancing racial justice in sex education, and expanding awareness of how race intersects with sexuality. Find out what people are not talking about in the field of sexuality as well as tips for white educators who want to be allies and take a more intersectional approach to their work.

FaceCindy Lee Alves, M.Ed is a doctoral candidate at Widener University’s Center for Sexuality Studies, where she also earned her Master’s in Education. Her research interests include sexual orientation, gender, pleasure, and intersectionality. Currently, Cindy teaches human sexuality courses at various colleges in NY and NJ, as well as guest lectures and provides workshops for adults and young people.

small aida blue

Aida Manduley is an award-winning bilingual powerhouse trained as a social worker, sexuality educator, and nonprofit management professional. Hailing from Puerto Rico and with firm roots in LGBTQ activism, she regularly blogs about social justice issues and has presented across North America on a variety of sexuality topics and their intersections with issues such as digital literacy and anti-racism. Aida’s currently pursuing her Master’s of Social Work at Boston University—with a focus on aging populations—and holds a B.A. in Gender and Sexuality Studies from Brown University. Her primary affiliations are with the Women of Color Sexual Health Network, where she serves on the executive committee, and The Center for Sexual Pleasure & Health, where she has worked since 2010 and now acts as a consultant. Past projects include sexual health and LGBTQ work at a domestic violence agency, crisis-response with victims of assault, and leadership on a number of national and regional coalitions on HIV prevention, sexuality education, and LGBTQ anti-violence.

Anaín Bjorkquist is a speaker, certified sex educator, sex + wellness coach and published erotica writer. Her life’s purpose is to serve women as a companion and guide on the journey from yearning to thanainbjorkquistriving. Anaín’s mission is to help women ditch perfection for pleasure. Her writing, weekly podcast Sex Love Joy and live workshops teach women how to consciously let go, trust their intuition and embody turn on. Anaín is dedicated to bringing fierce women together because the best learning and personal growth happens within intimate groups of women sharing their experiences. She’s ready to teach you the art of Orgasmic Self Love over at anainbjorkquist.com


Tune in Friday, January 1 at 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET to hear this show premiere. Join the discussion on Twitter where we livetweet each week. Sex Out Loud airs every Friday, you can listen along on your computer, tablet, or phone, find all the ways at SexOutLoudRadio.com. If you missed any part of the episode or want to listen again, you can listen to every episode on demand here.