Jan 242013

This call for submissions comes from @lastellanera at theyaretoremindme.tumblr.com so you can reblog from there, but I’ve also pasted all the information you need below:


So I’m trying to put together a publication on radical perspectives on sex/porn/sex work/kink that goes beyond the basic sex-posi feel-goodness, isn’t just a glossary, examines things from a variety of radical angles.

E.g., i’m co-writing a piece on the place of porn & kink “before and after the rev”* – what is problematic about porn & kink, what is functional-in-current-social-conditions about porn & kink, and what aspects of porn & kink would survive if systems of power/oppression were minimal/nonexistent.

I’m really looking for whatever people have to say from a radical & feminist or womanist perspective. It doesn’t have to be from an explicitly sex-pos standpoint, and can range from personal narrative to art to analysis/critique.

All sorts of printable media welcome.

I’m especially interested in featuring work by queers, people of color, trans* folk, disabled folks, and women.

If you’re interested, please get at my inbox or email me at lastellanera [at] gmail [dot] com

*”before the rev”= current white-supremacist/classist/misogynist/etc. society
“after the rev” = systems of power/oppression are minimal/nonexistent/destroyed

Please repost!