Aug 092012

Two thoughts went through my mind when I first saw the Trojan Twister: Helen Hunt fleeing air born cows (a la Twister, the 1996 disaster flick) and the pleasure potential of boomerangs. Once I got over the 90’s starlet and her barnyard, storm-tracking fiascos, I was left with my new toy. In its packaging, the Trojan Twister resembles a chunky boomerang. I made sure not to get too comfortable with this shape, because, as the name implies, this toy twists. And I was eager to get caught in its rotations.

The Twister has a light purple plastic handle and a dark purple silicone shaft. The shaft can be twisted into 4 positions, each one reaching a different erogenous zone. In theory, this is a great idea. One toy, four positions, endless possibilities. Right?

Sort of. The Twister’s initial position—let’s call it the boomerang—was incredible. Its upwardly curved shaft, gentle vibrations, and impressive girth made it perfect for g-spot stimulation. However, when I went to twist it, I got confused. Switching the Twister’s shape required my attention and both hands—two things I didn’t want to give up mid-masturbation. I needed to listen and feel for the slight “click” which signified that it had successfully transitioned into shape number two. This was challenging considering that the toy was vibrating, thus making subtle “clicks” difficult to decipher.

But I eventually got the Twister into shapes two, three, and four. Each provided a unique sensation, none of which was as magnificent as its original g-spot formation (which really was magnificent). This is largely due to the fact that the toy needs to be removed in order to be rotated. My pussy didn’t want to give up the toy! It was quite content with just experiencing the g-spot pleasure. Furthermore, the process of removing and rotating the Twister can be rather juicy. Whatever is on the shaft (bodily fluids and/or lube) inevitably ends up on your hands, making for a messy session. Speaking of messes, make sure to wash the Twister with warm water and natural soap or toy cleaner after every use. Dirty vibrators can have unpleasant side-effects. Trust me.

I give the folks at Trojan credit for addressing the dirty truth of silicone (the material which composes half of the Twister). Silicone attracts small particles such as dirt, lint, and sand. To avoid sandy vibrators, the Trojan Twister comes with a satin pouch for storage. It also comes with AA batteries and, when ordered online, two free vibrating rings.

The first time I used the Twister was okay. Not great, not horrible—a solid B of an experience. However, my perspective changed after I tried using the Twister with my partner. Its generous size and easy-to-hold, curved handle makes it the perfect toy for partner-use. When used with another person, someone else can take care of twisting the shaft and listening for clicks. Plus, its rotations allow you to find the perfect shape for you and your partner(s). In other words, Twister is a game best played with others.


Abby Spector is a recent graduate of Wesleyan University, where she majored in Feminist/Gender/Sexuality Studies. She is currently interning for Tristan, a job that allows her to write about sex, research feminist porn, and play with dogs (among other, equally awesome things). When she isn’t working, Abby enjoys comfortable nudity and salty foods. Her dream? A world where she could sit around naked and eat overly-salted french fries. Her blog is Sexy Awkward Times.