I bought a simple Fleet enema at the drugstore, and I have a few questions. Can I use it as is, or should I replace what’s in the bottle with water? Here’s why I am asking: I like to experience some good hard erotic cramping during enema play. My girlfriend and I often do enemas together, and we like to see which one of us can hold it the longest and who can handle the cramps without showing much discomfort. Is that safe? Because it’s awfully fun.
–Enema Edge Player
When I teach a basic class on enemas, I instruct people on two important points: the ingredients of an enema and the temperature. A Fleet enema (or most other brands you buy at the local drugstore) contains a laxative, and you do not need a laxative. You just need plain, warm water, which is why you should empty the contents of the store-bought enema bottle, rinse it out and refill it with warm water. If you’ve heard of more exotic enemas, with ingredients like champagne, espresso, wine, or other things, beware: these can make you very, very sick. So stick to plain water only.
I recommend that the water be warm so it’s as close to body temperature as possible; usually, the warmer the water, the more comfortable the enema. Most people will have little or no cramping when the temperature is right. Cold water causes discomfort and cramps that most people won’t like. I say most people because I do know enema fetishists who like to deliberately inflict discomfort and cramping on themselves or their partners.
Let me first say that this is considered “edge play” among enema fans, and inexperienced enema givers and receivers should not try this at home. I can tell that you’re a much more seasoned enema player, so I won’t admonish you for your sadomasochistic twist on this intimate form of play. One word of caution: don’t overdo the cold-water, cramp-inducing sessions. You can stress your gastrointestinal tract and disturb the delicate balance of your insides, which is never a good idea. As for you and your partner’s little game, it sounds like a great endurance contest for the BDSM Olympics! Again, a good rule of thumb for all this kind of play: everything in moderation.
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