Anna Brownfield is embarking on her second erotic feature entitled The Bedroom. The Bedroom is set in one bedroom over six decades and celebrates the diversity and changes in sex and sexuality in Australia. While, the film is set in Australia, like her previous film The Band, it will appeal to a universal audience.
Last week, she launched a crowd funding campaign for The Bedroom. You can check it out here:
She’s got some great rewards for your contribution from limited edition handmade DVDs and VOD access of the film, or perhaps you would like to have a Skype date with an actor of your choice? You can even come and join them as a VIP at the exclusive cast and crew screening!
Strapped for cash but still want to help out? Well you can by getting the word out there via social media, email, blog about it or even just old school word of mouth!
Thank you in advance for checking out The Bedroom.
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